Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Quarantine Adventures: Lindsey Hamel and J'nell Ciesielski Book Launch

Facebook never ceases to amaze me when it suggests events for me. Scrolling through Facebook, I saw a Facebook Live Author Chat with two authors that I never heard of. It said there would be giveaways. I was hooked. Who doesn't love a chance to win free stuff.

Like the event page said, it was a very informal discussion with both authors who actual never met before doing a trial run of the event. They just happened to have books coming out at the same time by the same publisher.

Both Lindsey and J'nell are wonderful ladies. The hour sped by with them talking about their lives, writing careers, and their books. They talked about what it was like to write during quarantine while still doing the mom thing and home school thing. It is not easy.

Lindsey's book, The Joy of Falling, follows two sister-in-laws and their husbands' friend through the training and completion of an Ultra-Marathon in New Zealand. J'nell's book, The Socialite, is set in WWII and follows two sisters and their lovers across Europe while the sister is trying to bring the other sister back to England. Both books sound really good and went on the to read list.

I'll be honest the sole reason The Socialist went on the to read list (or at least the shortened version) is that everyone has tea at Hitler's place in Bavaria. That sounded like an amazing scene to read about especially when J'nell talked about the research involved in making sure she got the color of Hitler's patio umbrellas right in the book.

After going to a couple of these book launches and hearing the authors talk about the process of writing a book, I never realized how much research went into even a fiction book. Historical fiction, crime fiction, and other books with specific topics I get. I never would have thought about researching what happens to your toenails when running an ultra-marathon. It does make me appreciate a good book a whole lot more.

Doing virtual book launches does allow more readers to connect with authors easier and allows a peek into their homes. It is always fun to sit back and listen to an author talk. I find it much more comfortable to do so while sitting on my couch or bed than a stiff chair in a bookstore or a library. Maybe this trend should continue after the pandemic.

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