Friday, May 1, 2020

Quarantine Adventures: National Park Virtual Visits

A few years ago Heather got me hooked on visiting National Parks and collecting stamps. I have collected quite a few stamps over the last four or years. I try to hit one or two on every vacation. The hubby isn't always thrilled with this latest obsession.

Once everything started to shut down due to COVID, National Parks shut their gates too. Heather stumbled across Virtual National Park visits where you can get a virtual stamp and/or Junior Ranger badge. Of course she passed the link on to me.

Every week, the website adds several new parks to visit.

Some of the visits are videos with rangers showing you the park.

Some of the visits are Google 360 maps that you can navigate through the rooms of various houses. These tours give me a headache because of the movement going through the park. I also tend to get stuck in dead ends with them.

Some are more involved than others with multiple videos, tours, and reading.

Some are way better than others. I definitely prefer videos to other types of visits.

It is definitely fun to find new parks that I want to visit in person or others that I can move to the bottom of to visit list.

Now we are both obsessed with staying on top of the stamps. Heather is pasting her stamps in her passport. Because my passport is much smaller and doesn't have room for all these stamps, I just stick them in the front pocket of my passport. Maybe one day, I will buy a separate passport for these virtual tours.

I challenge you to go visit a National Park while quarantined. If you are a teacher and still in school, take your class on a virtual field trip.

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