Saturday, July 22, 2023

Sprinkle Fest Fun or Not

 I get a text from my high school friend saying she and her family were going to be at Sprinkle Fest in Green Bay and wanted to know if I wanted to join her. Sprinkle Fest is an annual event at Uncle Mike's Bake Shop. Donuts and sprinkles and a chance to see Kris? Count me in. 

Sprinkle Fest was being held from 8-11 AM. After dropping the hubby off at baseball, I headed over to Uncle Mike's Bake Shop on Mason Street. I got there around 9 after parking about 3 blocks away. Their parking lot is not big and parking on the immediate side streets were full. It was not hard to find parking just a lot of cars and people. I was not expecting so many cars and people.

There were several activities going on including decorate your own donut. Apparently this was a popular activity. The kids already managed to decorate their donut. By the time I got in line, it was almost out the door. I moved maybe five feet when we were told they were out of decorate your own donut. Obviously bad planning as they should not have ran out of donuts in less than 90 minutes. Yes, I was disappointed not to decorate my own donut but based on the options for decorating (Fruity Pebbles, Sprinkles of various shapes and colors, cotton candy, and other candy that does not belong on a donut), I was okay. I was just getting a tooth ache looking at some of the creations.

I picked up a cookie and some donuts from the case instead. I had a long day at baseball ahead of me. 

There were plenty of outside activities for kids as well. You could play in the sprinkle pit. I was really tempted to put my feet in the giant box of sprinkles but there were too many kids around.

The best part was free samples. I had Kringle inside. They were also passing out sprinkled angel food cake. Yum. 

If you have kids under the age of six or seven, Sprinkle Fest is great. Otherwise it is kind of lame. I spent less than an hour at Sprinkle Fest. Glad I was already in Green Bay. It is also a hassle for people that want to visit the bakery on a Saturday morning. I was expecting a lot more and ended up disappointed. I did get to see Kris and her family. That was made the lack of fun worth it. I probably won't partake in Sprinkle Fest again unless maybe it's in Appleton.

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