Saturday, July 15, 2023

7074. Have space food

 When we went to the Kennedy Space Center back in March, I picked up some space food. An ice cream sandwich to be exact. I've always wanted to try space food but refused to pay the price when I was younger. My hard earned money wasn't going to be spent on a freeze-dried ice cream sandwich that I might not like. I figured I better get one now or it might be never. 

The ice cream sandwich survived the trip back to Wisconsin. It sat on the counter with the other candy for a few months. I finally tossed it in my baseball backpack and figured I might as well try it at a baseball game. Some times you just have to bite the bullet and go for it.

It comes wrapped in paper just like an ice cream sandwich would. This surprised me slightly as I assumed it would just be in the package.

Once you unwrap it, the ice cream sandwich looks like a normal ice cream sandwich. Chocolate wafers on top and bottom with a creamy ice cream middle.

It really does taste like an ice cream sandwich. You can taste the chocolate and the vanilla. The wafers seem normal but the ice cream weirded me out a bit. I know it's freeze-dried but the crunchiness threw me. I ate about a quarter of it and wrapped it back up to eat later. It is very sweet.

When we got home, I had the hubby try it and he agreed it tasted like an ice cream sandwich.

I won't say I was impressed by it. The science behind freeze-dried food is interesting but I'd rather eat a real ice cream sandwich. I guess the crunchiness bothers me. I tried and probably won't get it again.

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