Saturday, July 1, 2023

2023 Baseball Tour: ABC Supply Stadium

 When Beloit built their new stadium two years ago, we wanted to check it out. It took us two years to get there. Apparently we like hitting Beloit over the 4th of July weekend. 

ABC Stadium is the home of the Beloit Sky Carp, the Marlins High A team. They changed their name from the Snappers to Sky Carp last year after a fan poll. I personally wanted the cheese curds. The stadium is located on the river just across the border from Illinois. We actually went from WI to IL to WI to get to the stadium. 

Like most newer minor league stadiums, parking is minimal. There is no real parking lot. You can park at the Public Safety building next door or find street parking. The bonus is that it is free. If you park at the public safety building, make sure you pay attention to the signs so you don't park in police parking and get a ticket. 

While we were waiting for the gates to open they actually scanned our tickets ahead of time to make it easier to get in. There are stairs to climb to get in from the outfield entrance. 

The concourse isn't overly wide but it doesn't feel crowded. The downside there is very little over hang to hide under when it rains or snows as this is Wisconsin and you never know in spring. You can walk around the entire park.

I did like all the little touches through out the park. Like the geese prints, the giant Beloit sign, and a little free library. The library was filled with kids books but that is great idea to keep the little ones entertained during a game.

Stamping in was easy at the team store. I just had to make sure it was the right stamp and not Pohlman Park. 

We didn't get any food as we were still full from our late lunch. The candy kabobs looked interesting especially since it was a lot of sugar for one person.

It was Poopsy's birthday so there were several area mascots there wishing him a Happy Birthday. Of course I needed a picture with Grimace.

The field is all turf except for the infield dirt which is unusual for a major league or minor league stadium. The game itself was okay. The pitcher for Beloit got hit in the first and second inning by batted balls and stayed. Then got ejected in the third because he didn't like a call in the field. That was probably the most exciting part of the game.

Overall it is a nice park and we would definitely go back. 14 current minor league stadiums down, 106 more to go.

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