Friday, March 20, 2020

Quarantine Adventures -- Pat McCurdy Live From His Living Room

Going to Carroll in the late '90s and early '00s, it was almost a rite of passage to no longer be a Pat Virgin and attend your first Pat McCurdy show in the Ballroom or Main Lawn on Welcome Back weekend or the Campus Center Parking Lot during Spring Fling. I danced my share of Sex and Beer and Knock Things Over during my 3.5 years.

I would occasionally see him live in Concert over the next 20 years or so. But I can't remember the last time I saw a whole show of his. After the Beer Run, we tried to stick around for it but ended up staying for a little bit.

It is hard to describe to Pat. According to Facebook, he is described as "Pop sing-along, with a proper dosage of musical diversity and just the right touch of comedy." He's big on college campuses and bars. It's almost a cult like following. You either like him and his almost raunchy style or you don't. I fall into the like him category.

When he announced he was doing a Quarantine Show from his living room live on Facebook, I figured I might as well tune in. It was the same old Pat even though Pipe Jim and gang wasn't there because we were Staying Home with Mom and Dad.

There were almost all my favorites including the ones I knew the silly dance to... Knock Things Over, Screw You, and of course Sex and Beer. There were some new ones that I've not heard. It was a great show but it's no fun dancing to Sex and Beer by yourself in your bedroom.

The best part was a few of my sisters and me texting back and forth... reliving our college days. It brought back more memories.

He said he'd keep doing these shows as long as we are quarantined so maybe you can get your Pat fix too.

Stay tuned for me Quarantine Adventures in the coming days and weeks. We all need some amusement in our lives. I can't promise to deliver but if I might be able to cure your boredom for 5 minutes.

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