Saturday, March 21, 2020

6649. Do a virtual 5K

I keep seeing Virtual 5Ks on Facebook sponsored by various companies with really cool medals. I want a really cool medal but to get the really cool medal it would cost me $30+ and I get no post race buffet. I kept contemplating which one to do Harry Potter? Sesame Street? Star Wars? I almost signed up for a pizza one on Pi Day because it was like $3 but we weren't planning on being back from vacation yet. 

Then I happened to see Silver Circle Sports Events offer a free 5K due to the Corona Virus. I've ran with Silver Circle when I did the Pi Run back in 2016. I figured I could walk a 5K. 

So I did. I had the same goals.. finish in under an hour and don't finish last. I worried about finishing last since most of the Silver Circle participants are hard core runners and I figured there weren't too many turtles out there. 

I ended up doing the 5K in 50:53. Not bad for walking most of it. I think the wind helped a bit. 

I even made my own Medal from Shrinky Dinks I had left. Somehow I still haven't mastered the whole shrinky dinks because it has some serious curling on the edges going on. I managed to make it look okay. 

One day I will fork out the cash to do a Virtual 5K with a really cool medal but until then I will keep doing these Virtual 5Ks as long as the weather lets me. Maybe one day I will break the 40 minute mark.. I know Pipe Dreams.

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