Saturday, March 7, 2020

3417. Go to the Fort Union National Historical Site in Watrous

On the way to Arizona last year, I saw we were really close to two national historical sites in New Mexico. I made a mental note of them so we could stop on future trips. When I started trip planning this year, I decided I wanted to visit Fort Union and figured the hubby would enjoy it.

Fort Union was a military fort near the Mountain and Cimarron branches of the Santa Fe Trail that was a key stop between military forts of New Mexico for 40 years. It played a role in the Civil War where the Union managed to defeat the Confederates and keep the fort in Union hands. At one time it had the largest hospital in the area.

Today the fort lays in ruins. The fort actually was in three locations and only parts of the last fort remain. The path follows the perimeter of the fort. If it wasn't for a former resident that lived at the fort in the late 1800's, the fort may never have survived. She came back for a visit in the 1930s and was saddened by the state of ruin of the old, thriving fort. Despite dying a few years later, she was key in trying to save what was left of the fort.

Fort Union was a supply depot along with a Military fort. They are barracks, officer quarters, the quartermaster's office, a hospital, and many other outbuildings. You can not actually walk in any of the buildings. All of the have no roofs and most have only a few walls remaining. Some are down to the foundation and maybe a chimney.

You can actually see the wagon ruts cross the fort. Also prior to reaching the fort is a pull off where you can see the wagon ruts of the Santa Fe Trail.

We also finally learned the names of these animals we have seen hanging out with cattle on the drive between Kansas and Santa Fe. They are Prong Horn Antelope.

The hubby was impressed. It was a good pick. I would highly recommend stopping if you are ever in the area. It is about 90 miles north of Santa Fe. However, I would try to avoid visiting in summer. The is out in the open and offers very little shade.

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