Monday, March 16, 2020

837. Take a ballet class

I happened to see that Ballet Nova Ballet Studio in the DC was offering free online ballet classes the first week we were staying at home due to COVID-19. I always wanted to take a ballet class. I am not that graceful or rhythmic to actually be a ballerina not to mention these thunder-thighs. I figured this was my chance. As Stacy said, I would be whole lot less self conscious.

I've done the New York Ballet Workout video off and on for years... and I mean very sparingly off and on. I'd go months (years) without doing and rarely get through the whole thing due to lack of coordination. So to do it on Facebook Live could be interesting to say the least.

With the hubby home, there is limited space in our apartment for me to work out without disturbing him. So I set up in the kitchen. A bit odd but I figured it was the biggest open space we had.

I survived. It was quite difficult to follow. One ballerina would demonstrate the move to another ballerina. Then that ballerina would proceed to do with move or sequence with us along with the music. They really weren't any instructions. You really had to pay attention.

It might have been slightly easier if I didn't take the Advanced Beginning Ballet class. I figured I know the basic positions from my workout video and could handle it. Yeah not so much. It was a lot harder than the work out video.

I am glad I attempted the ballet class and didn't give up. Maybe I should have taken the over 50 class. I might have been able to handle that. Maybe I will try to find another online beginning class online to take during this pandemic. Until then I will work on my plies.

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