Sunday, March 8, 2020

6007. Stargaze

Sometimes it's the little things that make a great evening even better. After a day of mini golf and Brewers baseball, we had dinner with my cousin and her SO out in Mesa. Once we were done with dinner, we sat outside and continued our great conversation. 

At one point during the conversation, the topic turned to the stars and moon. I don't remember quite how we got on the topic but it was a clear night with several planets, the moon, and stars out. Even though we were in the Phoenix Metro area we were far enough away from Phoenix that we could see the sky without light pollution.

SO went in the house and actually got his telescope see could check out the sky. I did see the moon up close. Honestly, I wasn't impressed. It was a white blob. Maybe it was too close.. Maybe I just still can't look through a telescope. Don't worry once Janis has hers figured out and this social distancing is a thing of the past, I will try again. 

He tried to get the Mars or Jupiter in focus but couldn't I learned Mars is pretty easy to pick out of the night sky since it is a red "star". 

Even though it was a short time, I did enjoy our stargazing session. Hopefully I will get to do it again either here or in AZ.

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