Saturday, August 27, 2016

Craxi Reads: Harry Potter and the Cursed Child

When I heard that there was a new Harry Potter book coming out, I was excited. I have read all the books several times, seen all the movies, and even at one point in time had random Harry Potter items I picked up while working at K-Mart… I may still have Troll Boogers Glue somewhere. However, when I learned Harry Potter and the Cursed Child was going to be released as a screenplay, I was less excited. I’ve read one play this year and didn’t really want to read another. In the end my love from Harry Potter won out and I pre-ordered it from Amazon. It finally arrived – over a week after it was released. I should have gone to the release party at Barnes and Nobles with Heather.

Harry Potter and the Cursed Child takes place 19 years after the last book. Harry has 3 children, 2 of which attend Hogwarts. The book revolves around Albus, the middle child, who suffers from middle child syndrome and feels that Harry doesn’t love him for who he is. Albus befriends Scorpius, the son of Draco Malfoy – Harry’s arch nemesis from his days at Hogwarts. Albus and Scorpius decide to help Amos Diggory by bringing back his son, Cedric who was killed by Voldemort at the Tri-Wizard Tournament. To do this, they have to re-write history starting with the outcome at the Tri-Wizard Tournament. However, every time they try to save Cedric, history is rewritten. With the help from Snape, Dumbledore, and an old blanket the world is righted again. Albus and Harry both learn valuable lessons and the Dark Lord doesn’t rise again.

The book was a quick read… I was halfway done with it just on the plane ride to Boston. I have mixed feelings of the book. I liked the story line but I felt it was missing things and was too short. This may have been because it is a screenplay and you actually need to see what is happening. My other issue is that it just didn’t feel like a Harry Potter book because it was written by J.K. Rowling as well as John Tiffany and Jack Thorne. I think the three writers took away part of the classic Harry Potter feel.

Overall I enjoyed the book. I am glad the story continues but I’d rather have a real book instead of a screenplay. I got my Harry Potter fix until the next book, movie, screenplay, or play comes out. I believe I have a few opportunities coming up.

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