Friday, August 12, 2016

Walking for Corn on the Cob

When Danielle mentioned she wanted to do a 5K a month and she found the Corny Walk in Menasha for August, I was game. The date worked perfect since the hubby was gone and it was early enough that I should be able to get to Book Club.

The Corny Walk was sponsored by the Menasha Park and Rec department. The walk was free and about 2 miles in length. I pre-registered. Danielle decided it was too hot but was nice enough to play chauffeur for me. Heather and the boys joined me. Initially I planned on starting at 5 so I would be done in time for book club but one thing led to another and Heather and I got to Curtis Reed Square about the same time.

It definitely was a family event. I was glad Heather and the boys joined me. There were about a dozen stops along the route where you had to complete an activity to collect tickets, snacks, or prizes. The first station was stretching. I don’t like to stretch. Then we walked a little farther and the boys had an activity to do at the farmer’s market.

The third activity was jump rope and we got a ticket for water after the walk. Down the road was a javelin throwing activity where we “won” popcorn. Then we had some hula hoops.

Once we got to the Trestle Bridge, we had to do burpees. If you completed 1 you got a can coozie, if you completed 3 you got a $5 certificate to the farmers market, if you completed 5 you got both. We all managed to 5. I got complimented on my kick outs. I couldn’t do the push up part very well but I sure could kick my legs out on the way down.

About halfway across the bridge was some jumping jacks for fruit snacks. On the other end of the bridge was a small obstacle course including hurdles, limbo, and gun shooting. We got police badges and coloring books.

After walking back across the bridge, there was a ring toss game that I wasn’t very good at. Pool noodles don’t toss very well. We got bananas. Up the road was a dice game where you had to do what was on the dice. The last stop was hopscotch for a token for an ear of corn. We barely finished in time.

After we completed the walk, we got a hot dog, corn, and water. It might have been an odd dinner but it was good.

I will definitely do the Corny Walk again. I just have to plan better next time -- either get there right at 5 or try not to do too many things in one evening. I liked all the stops and obstacles. It made the walk enjoyable.

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