Thursday, August 18, 2016

A day trip to Newport

The one thing the hubby wanted to do when we were in Massachusetts was see the ocean. He hoped to go to Maine or Rhode Island as well. I decided we could go to Newport, Rhode Island and he would be able to see the ocean and get to Rhode Island. Neither of us has been to Rhode Island so I was eager to color the state on my map as well.

In my planning, I found Fort Adams as something to do in Newport knowing the hubby wasn’t going to be interested in touring some old mansion. Our plan was to tour the fort and explore Newport. Because we had to be back by 4, we didn’t have that much time to spend in Newport. By the time we got to Newport, we decided to skip the Fort.

I honestly can say I didn’t enjoy our time in Newport mainly because I didn’t have time to see anything and the hubby isn’t big on touristy places. His dislike for the place rubbed off on me. I probably would have enjoyed it more if I was with different company or had more time to freely explore.

We wandered the downtown and the Harbor Walk for about an hour. The Trinity Church, the baseball diamond, and the boats were all we saw. We didn’t even go in the church. There was a museum or two I would have liked to have at least looked at visiting.

After leaving the downtown area, we drove part of the Ocean Drive. We did stop at the Fort but since we didn’t have time to tour it, we didn’t check it out. At one point along Ocean Drive we parked so the hubby could see the ocean. It smelled like Lake Winnebago. He was not impressed. I decided I prefer the Southern Atlantic. The North Atlantic was smelly.

We did see some of the Mansions that Newport is famous for. One day I’d love to come back and tour them, of course it would have to be without the hubby. He has no intention of returning to Rhode Island.

By the time we left Newport, it was time for lunch. I would have loved to have eaten at a cute, ocean view restaurant in Newport but the hubby wanted to wait until we left Newport to get lunch. Apparently fast food is hard to come by in Rhode Island as we only found 1 McDonalds along the highway and the line was 25 cars long. We ended up eating at Charly’s Subs in a mall food court as there were no other McDonald’s or other fast food restaurants in/near the mall either.

The food court at Carousel Mall

I had such high hopes for Newport and Rhode Island. I was greatly disappointed but I think part of that was the hubby’s fault and we were on such a limited amount of time to spend there. He wasn’t into the whole touristy town. Hopefully I will get back to Newport or even just Rhode Island and have a better experience.

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