Thursday, August 25, 2016

Partying on the Plaza

The Kimberly-Little Chute Library put on a family event called Party on the Plaza where they would have life-sized board games set up. I thought this sounded like fun. The hubby was working so I had nothing better to do. Danielle agreed and we headed over to the plaza in front of the Little Chute Library.

The event was definitely family friendly. All the board games were appropriate for kids under 10. There were a few craft stations as well. It was geared towards kids but Danielle and I didn’t let that stop us.

We played Jenga. However our stack of bricks was shorter than normal so our tower didn’t get very big. Another family was doing really well with their tower. After using up all our bricks and it not collapsing, we moved on.

After playing Jenga, I challenged Danielle to a game of Battleship. It was constructed out of tarp, dry erase boards, and wooden blocks with holes drilled into them for the pegs. The board was slightly smaller than a normal battleship board but still had 5 ships. I sunk all of Danielle’s ships. Battleship was a great idea.

I really wanted to play ker-plunk. After waiting for people to finish, we put the sticks in the chicken wire and the balls on top. A mom asked if her two kids could play and we were like sure. At first I misunderstood the rules and tried to get as many balls in my bucket until I realized I didn’t want a lot of balls in my bucket.

Sometimes the bucket didn’t catch the balls and they rolled away and we had to chase them or give them to the other game. Once I got the hang of the game, I did pretty good. I don’t remember playing Ker-plunk as a kid. It’s pretty fun. The life size version is way more fun. I’m sure mixed with adult beverages it would be even more fun. I didn’t win but I don’t think I lost either.

There was also:
Pac-Man which looked like a giant game of tag
Human foosball which would be really fun with a group of people
Checkers which I wanted to play but was never open
Chutes and Ladders which was drawn on the ground with chalk
Snail Races which looked really cute
Giant Marble Painting and Balloons

Little Chute High School was there selling hamburgers which smelled and looked really good. Culvers was there dishing up free dishes of custard. Who can pass up free custard?

It was a lot of fun being a kid for about an hour. We got there early which was a good because it started getting too crowded by 6. Hopefully the library does this again next year. I would definitely go again.

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