Sunday, August 14, 2016

Catching a Game at Fenway

When I found out the hubby was going to the World Series in Massachusetts, one of the first things I did was check the Red Sox schedule. I was in luck they were finishing a home stand the weekend I was possibly going to be in Boston. Then when Kelly confirmed I could stay with them a few days, I mentioned that I wanted to go to a Red Sox game and asked if they wanted to go with me. Kelly and her husband said sure and they wanted to sit in the bleachers. That became a problem. I couldn’t get 3 seats together for Sunday’s game in the entire stadium… let alone the bleachers. And this was 3 months before the game. Our best option was standing room only. Her husband bailed and I got tickets for Kelly and I. I’m sure I could have probably found 2 seats together but standing room got us in Fenway.

I kept checking the weather for the day of the game and early in the week it was calling for rain. The only good thing about that was the Red Sox were playing the Diamondbacks so they HAD to get the game in since it was interleague and they wouldn’t face either other again this year. By the time Sunday rolled around, there was still a chance for rain but it was HOT and HUMID. Not all that comfortable for a baseball game but we would make do. I’m kind of glad we got those standing room tickets because the bleachers would have been unbearable in the heat and humidity.

We took the train from Waban to Fenway. The T is the easiest way to get to Fenway. It stops about xxx away and you just walked. Unlike Wrigley where the El dropped you off pretty much at Wrigley, Fenway was a walk past the hospital. If I wasn’t with Kelly (and there wasn’t hordes of people to follow), I probably would not have gotten there myself…or back for that matter.

Once at Fenway, we entered Yawkey Street which is shut down on the day of the game and you need a ticket to the game to walk down it. Kelly got a Groupon for food but it turned out it was only good outside of the gates off of Yawkey. We grabbed a couple of sandwiches and drinks and ate while they played the National Anthem.

Fenway is the oldest active baseball stadium in the US. It is also very cool to see. It reminded me a little of Wrigley with the concessions and other stores under the grandstands. Out in the outfield bleachers, there was barely enough room for a person to walk between the top row and the wall. They still have a manual scoreboard. Even the digital picture screen looks like an old school wooden scoreboard.

We actually never made it to our designated standing room only area in right field. We found an undesignated standing area behind home plate where there was a breeze coming through at times. We actually had a very good view of the game. We watched about 3 innings from there. We saw several home runs… two by Mookie Betts. The Red Sox beat up on Zack Greinke from the Diamondbacks. They took him out in the 2nd inning. By the time we left in the 5th, it was like 10-1 or something outrageous like that. The score end up being 16-2.

After we watched a few innings of the game, we wandered Fenway a little so I could see more of the stadium. Kelly got kettle corn and I wanted to get a mini bat. There were cooling stations set up near the gates so we got misted before leaving. Once we left the park, we stopped at the correct vendor so we could use our Groupon. We ended up getting a beef tip sandwich and 6 bottles of lemonade/water. The sandwich was delicious. The nice guy at the souvenir stand, gave us a bag for all of our beverages and my bat. Kelly sat in the shade while I walked around Fenway getting some more pictures.

It was a great day. I would definitely go back. It is relatively easy to get to as long as you can read a train map and know where to park. The hubby is insanely jealous that I got to go to Fenway. Next time though, I will have an actual seat… preferably one in the shade.

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