Monday, August 1, 2016

#3991. Have a sundae at the Washington House in Two Rivers

One of the things that I’ve wanted to do for years now is go to the Washington House in Two Rivers for an ice cream sundae. The Washington House is the birthplace of the ice cream sundae. Granted it Two Rivers is only about an hour away but that’s a bit far for ice cream. Usually the hubby is in Two Rivers for basketball so that doesn’t really work either. When I saw he was in Two Rivers for softball on Saturday, I was excited… until I realized I had to work. Luckily he was also at the same tournament all day on Sunday so I planned on walking to get my ice cream sundae.

The walk to the Washington House was about 1.5 miles from the tournament. 3 miles for ice cream…. It was a nice walk. If I had more time and planned my day better, I would have stopped at the Rogers Street Fishing Village Museum or explored the Lakefront some. However, all I planned on doing at this point in time was walk the 1.5 miles, eat my sundae, and walk back.

This was someone's lawn ornament

The Washington House is an old immigrant hotel in 1850s. The ice cream shop in the back is a replica of Ed Berners' Ice Cream Parlor, where he invented the ice cream sundae. When I walked into the Washington House, there were old ladies playing cards in the parlor. You could take a self-guided tour, which I may do another day. You could also dress up and they would take your picture behind the bar. I definitely need Stacy or Danielle for that. Dress up is no fun by yourself.

The original ice cream sundae comes in a souvenir plastic bowl. You get 2 scoops of vanilla ice cream, hot fudge, whipped cream, a cherry, and nuts. It was very good. I thought since I was getting a take home bowl, I would have gotten a plastic spoon but I still had a real spoon to eat it with. After I was done, I could either have my original bowl washed out or just get a new one. Because there was a line, I opted for a new bowl. I didn’t need my exact bowl that I had my ice cream sundae in.

Besides ice cream sundaes, you could have one of 18 different Cedar Crest ice cream flavors or a root beer float. If you wanted water it was served in a glass. The ice cream parlor wasn’t very big but it was cozy. It reminded me of an old fashioned ice cream parlor.

I’m sure if we were done with softball before 8, we would have stopped again so the hubby could have had some ice cream. I will be back. It is cute and charming and definitely reasonable. My sundae was only $2.50. I just hope it won’t be another 35 years before I get back.

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