Friday, August 12, 2016

Craxi Reads: Lamb, the Gospel according to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal

I was really looking forward to August’s Book Club selection: Lamb, the Gospel according to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal by Christopher Moore. It was chosen by one of the book club members and it sounded like a good book. Even though I had about 3 weeks to read it, I barely got it done in time for book club. Unfortunately, life got in the way and I never made it to book club. The Corny Walk took too long.

Lamb, the Gospel according to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal tells the story about Jesus’ “lost” years from the time he was a teenager to his crucifixion told from the perspective of his best friend Biff, also known as Levi. Biff and Joshua (Jesus) become friends in early childhood and are inseparable. At age 10, they start their apprenticeship as stonemasons which lead to raising someone from the dead on an night excursion to the work site. Shortly after the Passover feast when they are 13, Joshua believes he has to find the three wise men to learn how to fulfill his duties on Earth.

On their journey, Biff tries to explain to Joshua what sex is like and at one point, Joshua insists that Biff have sex with several different prostitutes to try to give Joshua an idea of what it feels like since Joshua isn’t allowed to have sex. You have to remember that Biff and Joshua are teenage boys/young men.

Joshua and Biff’s journey takes them nearly 20 years. They spend time with each of the 3 wise men learning Confucianism, Buddhism, and Hinduism. Joshua is a much better student than Biff and Biff only does what he needs to stay with Joshua. They learn alchemy, judo, and yoga among trying to figure out what his Father wants him to do during his time on Earth.  Their journey ends when Joshua gets a sign to go home.

Once Joshua gets home, he begins with his teachings and healings. He gains followers along the way. The rest of the book is similar to the Gospels of the Bible and ends with his death.

The book was very good. I wish I could have been able to get to book club to discuss it and find out everyone’s beliefs of the story. I read a book that towards the end mentioned the same concept of Jesus traveling to learn Eastern Religions prior to beginning his teachings. Since the Bible doesn’t mention anything from the time Jesus was at the Temple to the time he started his teachings, one can only guess what he did. Maybe he worked as a stone mason or a carpenter. Maybe he really did travel seeking out answers. I tend to want to believe the latter where we was traveling and seeking answers.

Yes the book is about Joshua (Jesus) and Biff but it is written in such a way that even if you aren’t a Christian, you will enjoy the book. Remember Joshua and Biff are teenage boys so there’s a lot of sex and teenage antics involved. If you are a hard core Christian that believes that the Bible is the absolute truth then I would suggest not reading this book. It doesn’t say that the Bible is wrong but it dives into the more grey areas of the Bible. It is definitely a humorous take on the middle years of Jesus’ life.

If I didn’t go to book club in May, I would have never heard of this book. Thanks to Book Club I have read a book that I probably never would have even heard of let alone read. Maybe I will try to get to September’s book club. We will see what happens between now and then. One thing is for sure, I’ll be reading.

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