Sunday, July 31, 2016

A Morning Hike at Point Beach

When I found out the hubby was going to be in Two Rivers for softball all day, I asked Rick if he wanted to go hiking at Point Beach State Park with me to help pass time. He agreed.

He picked me up from the ball diamond which I learned after the fact had 2 parking lots. We were waiting for each other in the other lot. We got to Point Beach and after following the road around for a while, came to a parking lot where we could start hiking.

I was disappointed by the hiking trail. I guess I got spoiled by High Cliff with its challenging trails. Maybe there are other trails that we didn’t go on. We stuck to 1 trail that was gravel. If I’m hiking I want to hike on dirt or other similar terrain. And the scenery wasn’t all that spectacular either.

We hiked about a mile to the main road. We could have kept going down the trail or head to the beach and see the lighthouse. I wanted to the see the lighthouse. Just up the road from the trail we were on, was part of the Ice Age Trail – and it was a real trail!!! Too bad I wanted to see the lighthouse because otherwise I probably have insisted on hiking on the Ice Age Trail.

The trail past the lighthouse and down the beach was a boardwalk sandy trail. You couldn’t actually go in or near the lighthouse. Again I was disappointed but we got close enough to take a couple pictures. Then we headed down the trail to the beach. Thomas and I played in the water a little.

Instead of going back the same way we came, we decided to walk down the beach back to the car. That was a dumb idea. The beach at times wasn’t more than a foot or so wide and either you are walking on the dunes or in the water. Even though it might have been a dumb idea, it was still fun and I would probably have done it again. I tried to walk the entire length barefoot since my feet were wet and sandy but once we got into the flock of seagulls, I decided it might be best if I put my shoes back on.

If I’m back in the area, I will definitely hike Point Beach again. I will even hike the gravel trails. Who knows I might find real trails and more pretty trails. It was a nice way to spend a few hours with Rick, Shannon, and Thomas. I’m sure they will be willing to come along again in the future.

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