Thursday, May 14, 2020

Quarantine Adventures: Happy Hour with the Brewers

Andrea: Are you gonna do the virtual happy hour with the Brewers
Me: Not this week. I should but gotta make dinner. What time is it?
Andrea: 5:15.. there's a link on the page
Me: I might be able to multi-task
Andrea: Charlie Berens is on this week
Me (thinking): who... oh yeah the guy from the Manitowoc Minute
Me: Then I better.

That is how I ended up joining a Zoom Virtual Happy Hour with BA, Counsel, Trevor Hoffman, and Corey Knebel. 

I really wasn't planning on it but I figured I could multitask. I was one of the lucky 1000 fans that joined them for a Virtual happy hour.

It was an hour of shooting the breeze, talking about their careers, Bull Dunham, and life in general. The hubby even listened in. It was pretty hilarious hour. You got to see their basements and man caves.

At one point in time, Craig Counsel changed his Zoom background to a picture of him on a riding lawn mower. Trevor won that lawn mower and gave it to Counsel. The hubby was in stitches.

The last portion of the happy hour call featured Charlie Berens who chatted with the guys about baseball and life. It was hilarious.

I am glad Andrea made me join. I am glad that the Brewers had an event where they could connect with fans. I miss baseball. Hopefully we will be able to see the Brewers play again this year. Until that happens I guess this is the best I can hope for. 

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