Monday, May 4, 2020

Quarantine Adventures: Bread in a Bag

Back when this pandemic and quarantine started in March, my friend Kris posted a picture of the bread she and her kids made. It was actually made in a bag and looked delicious. She sent me the recipe. Due to the yeast shortage, yeah kind of odd thing to be out of at the grocery store.., it took me a few weeks to actually get around to make the bread.

The recipe was pretty simple and barely took any time at all.

Basically mix flour, sugar, and yeast in a bag and add warm water. Squish together and let sit for 10 minutes,

After 10 minutes add more flour, some olive oil and salt. Squish again. Then add the rest of the flour and mix.

Remove from bag and knead for about 5 minutes. It's a bit messy getting out of the bag.

Separate the dough into two halves and put each half in a mini loaf pan. Cover with a towel and let raise for 30 minutes. Yes it really does rise.

Then bake for 30 minutes. Enjoy

This is a heartier bread perfect for stews, soups, and chilis on a cold winter night. We actually had it with out chili and it was perfect. Since it made 2 loaves, we had enough bread for both nights of chili.

I am not a fan of making bread because I don't like using yeast or waiting for things to rise. This recipe is painless and create for kids too. Who does like squishing things.

Try it out. You wouldn't be disappointed.

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