Monday, May 18, 2020

Quarantine Adventures -- Homemade Garlic Knots

As I was reading the recipe for cinnamon rolls, I noticed that I could use the same recipe to make garlic knots. I figured why not.

Like with the cinnamon rolls, you mix yogurt and self rising flour together.

Then you roll out the dough.

Cut them into strips.

Tie into a knot.

Bake. Then brush with garlic butter and sprinkle with Parmesan cheese.

Initially I did without the garlic and Parmesan cheese. They weren't bad but I definitely used too much flour. I used the whole 1 1/2 cups it called for. It was too much. I probably could have used only about a cup.

We decided to try them again with the garlic butter and less flour. I only used about 1 1/4 cups, just enough for the dough not to be sticky. They tasted much better. They just didn't look like garlic knots but more like pretzels.

We will definitely make them again using the garlic butter.

I really like this dough. It's easy and very versatile. Maybe I will I will use to make pizza rolls or something in the future. Stay tuned.

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