Monday, May 11, 2020

Quarantine Adventures: An Author and Narrator Chat

These author talks keep popping up in my Facebook feed. I really should start to resist them. Really I should... but I don't.

Jennifer's novel Big Summer debuted May 5th. She and her narrator Danielle Macdonald was doing on a Facebook live gig hosted by Simon & Schuster Audio. I have attended several book talks and launches in the last two months but none of the featured the audio book narrator. I was kind of excited to hear about that side of things.

The hour long session was quite delightful. Danielle talked about the trials and tribulations of recording the book just as the pandemic hit. She would normally read ahead a chapter because that is what they were recording. All of a sudden the pandemic hit and now they recording scheduled got moved up and she is finishing the book as she is recording it.

I love Danielle.. she sounds like me. No Lie. I guess I'm really Australian.. With that being said I'm not sure I want to listen to the audio book because she sounds like me and it would get annoying fast.

I can't wait to read Jennifer's book. It sounds amazing.

The nice thing about these author talks is that most of them are Facebook live so they can't see you which means you can cook dinner while listening and no one would know.

The other problem with all these book talks and Facebook book groups I'm part of my to read list keeps growing. It's a tough problem to have.

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