Friday, May 29, 2020

Quarantine Adventures: Other May Author Talks

I've been to several author event this month.. so many that I can barely keep them straight. I talked about some already: Kristy Woodson Harvey and Jennifer Weiner.

Here are a couple other events I tuned into in May.

May 1st -- Janelle Brown
LaGuna Beach Books hosted a Zoom Meeting with Janelle Brown to talk about her new book Pretty Things. Again this was an author I was not familiar with but I was free so why not attend. I enjoyed hearing Janelle talk that Pretty Things has been added to the never ending to read list.

May 21st -- Elin Hildenbrand, Susan Mallory, and Mary Kay Andrews.
Three of my favorite authors together in one spot. Sign me up. This event was sponsored by Cuyahoga County Public Library as part of their Beyond the Book Jacket Series. I was a little shocked when the moderator (and librarian) was an older gentleman. I guess I'm not used to men hosting three women's fiction writers but more power to him. He was a great moderator (and truly enjoyed all the books). Even with a few technological difficulties, it was a great hour. The three women took turns talking about their new books that just came out or is coming out later this summer. This was probably one of my favorite author talks this month.

May 28th -- Alisha Rai
One of the Facebook groups I joined during the Pandemic, Book Club Girls has a monthly book club event where the author of that month's book joins and talks about their book. A winery also is featured and the wine maker talks about the wine at the beginning. You could pre-order the wine ahead of time so you could do the wine tasting as part of the event. This month was Alisha Rai who wrote Girl Gone Viral and The Right Swipe. They were going to discuss Girl Gone Viral along with tasting wine from Malene Wines. I listened to the book on audio book and loved it. It was actually nice being able to discuss a book I actually read. It was a great hour. This one is on the same night usually as my Brenda Novak book group so unless I want back to back author events it is hard for me to join this one all the time.

We will see what authors I find in June and the rest of the summer. I know Cuyahoga County Public Library will probably be one of my new favorite spots to check out authors.

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