Friday, May 1, 2020

Quarantine Adventures: Book Talk with Kristy Woodson Harvey

By the end of this quarantine I am going to ready to say no more virtual events. Facebook keeps telling me about all these great virtual author events. But how many virtual author events is too many? The hubby is slightly getting annoyed with all these author events especially since they are usually at 6 PM CST.

That does not stop me from clicking interested on the event for Kristy Woodson Harvey who's new novel, Feels Like Falling, just came out. I've never heard of Kristy before but the book sounds interesting and what's one more event. I may need rehab after this..

Kristy Woodson Harvey is an amazing speaker and I'm sure her book is going to be amazing. I added it to my ever growing to read list. It even made the short list. You can watch her talk here.

Feels Like Falling is about two women whose paths inadvertently who become good friends. The story follows the women as their friendship forms, the love lives grow and fail, and help them grow in the next chapter of their lives.

The hour flew by and I can't wait to read her book. She is just one of many new authors I've discovered over the last month or so. So despite trying to avoid these virtual author events, I keep getting sucked into more and growing that to read list.

I have to admit that these virtual events are great since most of these authors would never make it to northeast Wisconsin and allows the authors to connect to readers all over the country and world. So don't mind me while I keep boring you with these author event posts. I'm sure the fun bucket list adventures will begin soon agian.

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