Saturday, February 3, 2024

Celebrating National Eat Ice Cream For Breakfast Day

 The first Saturday in February is informally known as "National Eat Ice Cream For Breakfast Day". I always wanted an excuse to eat ice cream for breakfast. This day usually lands on the same day as my niece's birthday party so it's hard to partake. This year I was determined especially when Sweet Lair kept teasing me with their ice cream for breakfast specials.

I decided to meet Andrea for breakfast. For what we could find, there was no place in Sheboygan that was having any sort of ice cream for breakfast special. So we decided to create our own. Donuts and ice cream.

Andrea ordered Sunday Donuts for us. I was in charge of the ice cream. I stopped at Walmart on my way and debated what kind of Ben and Jerry's to get. I never actually bought myself a pint of Ben and Jerry's. Remember I'm frugal. It was a good day to splurge. Besides I had an Ibotta rebate for it. Oh so many choices

I finally decided on The Tonight Dough

We went all out. We broke out the good dishes and fancy glasses. We had mimosas. Our donuts were hot chocolate donuts.

To fully partake, I decided to put a scoop of ice cream on top of my donut. This worked well until I got to the end of my donut. Then it became difficult to eat since ice cream is not ice bit into. It finally fell back on my plate where I finished it with a spoon. 

It was a fun morning. Next year though I'm kidnapping Heather and we are going to Sweet Lair. My family will just have to wait for me to get to the birthday party.

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