Sunday, February 18, 2024

24 in 2024 -- Try at Least One New Food -- Melon Tasting

 Erin knows that I am usually game to try weird fruits. Before our Galentine's Brunch she sends a text saying "I have picked up some strange melon's for Amy's strange fruit goal." One was a Kiwano Melon from Africa and the other was a Pepino Melon from Ecuador. Both are more of a cucumber melon from what I learned on Google. She found both of them at Pick n Save. 

When we got to to her house, she had both melons cut for us to try. 

The Kiwano Melon was bright green and full of seeds. It definitely looked like a neon green cucumber. Erin said it was a pain to cut that she made her husband do it due to the prickly skin. She kept getting poked. 

Verdict; This was actually very good. Google said it could taste like banana and passion fruit or cucumber lime. The first bite I took did taste like banana but the rest was more cucumber melon. It reminded me of a lime Jell-O shot. If you don't like Jell-O because of the texture, you probably won't like this fruit. The fruit slime, as we called it because it reminded us of Ghostbuster slime or Nickelodeon slime, was even good as a yogurt topping.

The Pepino Melon reminded me of a honeydew melon especially in texture. This one you could eat the skin on. 

Verdict: It lacked flavor. It was boring. Given the choice, I would take the Kiwano melon. It just did not wow me. The others felt the same way.

Both fruits were definitely an adventure. I would actually buy the Kiwano melon in the future, especially if I was having a gathering and wanted to serve something different. It would also be good on a St. Patrick's Day board based on the color. 

I am not sure what the next fruit Erin will discover for me to try is but I'm sure it will be interesting. Maybe I should tell her Prickly Pear. 

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