Saturday, February 10, 2024

5098. Go to the Dirty Bookstore in Appleton

 One of the ladies in my book club calls the used bookstore in Appleton "The Dirty Bookstore" because the books are used. The name kind of stuck with me and I started calling it the Dirty Bookstore and I wanted to check it out for years. I am just really into buy many books. I prefer the library, audio books, or e-books. 

The Dirty Bookstore is actually called The Book Store and was originally located up by Northland Mall but moved just west of downtown on College Ave. Parking is street parking or a tiny lot. I was going to visit last year but had to cross the railroad tracks. However, this year one of our Death by Chocolate stops made Heather and I walk right by it. I advised Heather we were going to check it out. Her response "Oh. No. Not a Bookstore."

The Book Store is a very nice bookstore with lots of books. Like any good bookstore it was arranged by genre and alphabetically. There were a few chairs scattered about to read your books. 

My favorite was the mystery section with the body outline on the floor.

I did find over an entire shelf of Brenda Novak books which was a good thing since I still need 9 more books to complete my 50 book challenge. I was running out of audio books to get from the library. I picked up 2 of the Whiskey Creek series books I was missing. 

There were also new books. You could ask them to order you a book as well. I was disappointed they didn't have the new Hank Philippi Ryan book so I could take a picture with the cover. Oh well. 

The prices are reasonable -- 50% off the cover price of used books and 15% off new books. My 2 books cost my $8. Not a bad deal. I would definitely check them again and next time I wouldn't be afraid of crossing the tracks. 

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