Sunday, January 21, 2024

5189. Go to a Green Bay Gamblers Game

 I caught the hubby looking at our dry-erase calendar. Yes, we are old school and use an calendar on the wall to coordinate our schedules. It's much easier to look. He was like don't forget we have the Gamblers game on Sunday the 18th. Um.. that is not on the calendar. Apparently one of his buddy invited us to go as part of the Shriners event. 

The Green Bay Gamblers are a Tier 1 Junior Hocket team that plays in the United States Hockey League. They have been in Green Bay for 20 years and this is the first time we are going. The hubby is slowing learning to like hockey. They play at the Resch Center which is across the street from Lambeau Field. We parked at Stadium View Bar and Grill across the street and just walked over. 

We had seats upstairs almost at center ice. They were actually really good seats. I just had cold air blowing on my all game. My face was cold. I wore boots so my feet stayed warm at least. 

After seeing many Admiral games and a Coyotes game, I was truly disappointed in the Gamblers. It was like watching the Mighty Ducks. It was not the clean, crisp hockey that I'm used to watching. 

The hubby didn't like the lack of officiating. He said there were way too many fights and roughness not called. The game was a very rough and they might have been 4 or 5 power plays all game. 

One kid got a bloody nose/face. They did call penalty on that one. The referee got hit with a puck after Youngstown scored because one of the Gambler players was mad. No penalty on that. It was just rough hockey.

I did find it amusing they left the blood on the ice for several minutes. Then during a time out or after an icing call was made, the referees cleaned up the blood. 

The hubby's buddy gave us pucks to throw on the ice during the 2nd intermission trying to win a prize. I lost my puck but the hubby let me throw his. I don't remember the number on his puck but I'm pretty sure it never made it near any prize. 

His buddy also got to ride the Zamboni during the 2nd and 3rd period. Okay I am jealous of that. He looked like he was having a good time.

As the hubby said, we wouldn't pay to go to a Gamblers game but if someone gave us free tickets we would go. It is a fun time but the hockey isn't very good in my opinion. Now I just need to convince him we need to go to an Admirals game.

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