Monday, February 5, 2024

Around the World Chocolate Tasting

 Looking at the various library calendars, I saw that Kimberly was having a Chocolate Around the World Tasting. That sounds like an event for me. I confirmed that the hubby was busy and no one else wanted to go. I signed up first thing in the morning when registration opened. I think I surprised them that I wanted to sign up as soon as the library open.

The event was from 6-7. We were given the chance to taste 8 different chocolates from around the world plus learned some history of the chocolate in that country. Tracy, the librarian, went to World Market and brought a variety of chocolates. 

We were told use all of our senses to taste, smell, look, and touch to taste the chocolate. We actually had a crash course in tasting chocolate from Maui Kuʻia Estate Chocolate. 

Our chocolates

Japan -- Meltybend: A chocolate truffle coated in a thin layer of cocoa powder. Definitely smooth and creamy. This was my favorite chocolate. 4.5 stars.

Mexico -- Mazapn de la Rosa: A Peanut confection similar to the English Almond Variation. It was very crumbly, kind of Peanut butter like, very sweet. This was my least favorite. 2 stars.

Germany -- Mazipan Niederegger Lubeck: Kissed by the sun, the almonds have a sweet nutty flavor. It was smooth and soft. Sweet but not too sweet. A solid 3 stars

US -- Macadamias Hawaiian Host -- Creamy, nutty, milk, and honey dusted in powdered sugar. I thought it had a coffee undertone. I didn't taste the honey. It was sweet and crunchy. Another solid 3 stars

Iceland -- Traditional Icelandic Chocolate Noi Sinius -- Bitter, cocoa, and vanilla. It was only 58% but it was hard. It was not dark enough for me. 3.5 stars

Belgium -- Lait Caramel Sale (Cote De' Or) -- Rich Smooth Milk Chocolate bar with delicious salted caramel chips. It needs to be at least 35% cacao to be Belgium Chocolate. Definitely smelling the caramel. I thought it was too crunchy and sweet. 2.5 stars.

United Kingdom -- Willie Cacao Cuban Bar (Lime Ginger) -- It is made in small batches that takes several weeks to make a single bar. It was dark and the lime and ginger made for an interesting flavor. Very tasty in my book. I was in the minority on this one. 4 stars

France -- Terry's Original Chocolate Orange Bar -- Definitely smell the orange. It was like a chocolate orange in bar form. Their motto: Tap it, Unwrap it, Enjoy it. Too much orange for me. 2.5 stars.

It was definitely a fun and tasty experience. I will have to explore the more international chocolate bars when I'm at World Market next. I usually go for the darker the better but some of these were intriguing enough to see what else World Market has. 

It was a perfect Galentine's Day or even Valentine's Day activity put on by the library. I will definitely keep my eye out for more library fun.

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