Saturday, January 6, 2024

23 in 2023 -- Go to Sweet Lair in Menasha

Knowing Heather is usually up to a good coffee shop and likes board games, I suggested we meet at Sweet Lair in Menasha to catch up and exchange Christmas gifts. She was intrigued and agreed. Sweet Lair was on my 23 in 2023 list that I did not get to and I still wanted to check it out.

Sweet Lair is a board game cafe/coffee shop downtown Menasha. It is open Tuesday-Sunday. Hours vary by the day of the week. It has coffee drinks and sandwiches with names that play on board games like Hungriest Hippo or Mint Condition Frappe. 

The entire decor is board game themed. It is just a fun place to hang out.

After we ordered, we played a game of Uno Flip with the kiddo that was enlisted to help with grocery shopping later (and bribed with food). They have a whole wall of games including classics and modern games. At first the kiddo wanted monopoly but we didn't have all afternoon. Uno Flip is similar to Uno but has switch cards which means you flip the cards over and play with a different set of colors (Purple, pink, teal, and orange). 

Our food arrived. Heather ordered a Terrafroming Fusion Quesadilla. It was a buffalo chicken quesadilla that included bacon. It looked amazing. I wasn't overly hungry and decided to just have a brownie. The brownie was good but not as good as I expected. It needed something. I should have gone with a quesadilla. My mint condition frappe had coffee in it. I was not used to having coffee in my frappe. Let's just say I survived my first coffee drink but I did have a headache after.

I would definitely go back. I doubt I would convince the hubby to come with me but definitely a place Heather and I will keep in our list of places to meet up at. I might have to take Stacy the next time she's in town. If you haven't been, go check it out.

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