Saturday, May 6, 2023

6474. Tiptoe through the tulips

 I love Instagram worthy photo opportunities including anything to do with fields of flowers. Growing up either these kinds of fields didn't exist or I didn't know about them. I don't remember tulip farms or sunflower farms where you could go every year. We had pumpkin farms where we picked a pumpkin and that was about it. Either way, I now want to experience all these fun places and take fun pictures. 

With that being said, I saw on Facebook last year that a farm in Germantown was having a tulip festival and thought Stacy might want to go with me. We scheduled an adventure to tiptoe through the tulips at Happy Day Farmhaus in Germantown.

Tulip Fest at Happy Day Farmhaus was way overrated. There was literally 1 "field" of tulips which consisted of 7 rows of tulips. Many of the tulips were already cut or not open yet. There was no glorious backdrop of tulips to take pictures with despite what I saw on Facebook

We got to Happy Day Farmhaus and saw the line to turn to park (a good block long) and decided to grab lunch first. When we came back the line was some what shorter but there were cars parked on the side of the road. So we parked on the side of the road and walked. We both thought the weather might keep people away. Apparently not. 

I am expecting rows and rows of tulips. Nope. 7 rows of tulips. We waited in a line for at least 15 minutes to be able to cut some tulips and take a few pictures. Tulips were $2/tulip without the bulb and $3/tulip with the bulb. So that was reasonable. I wanted some tulips to take home since the rabbits still eat mine. I picked out 3 different tulips and we got a few pictures. It was nothing like I would imagine it to be.

Then we had to stand in another really long line to pay for and wrap our tulips. However, there was no really direction on where to go. You just kind of followed the people. I do like that they did wrap all the tulips in brown paper. I suppose if you really wanted you probably could get away with not paying since no one was really checking.

While we wanted we did find another smaller field of tulips. Since no one was using this field of tulips to cut tulips, we took some pictures. But first I did tip toe through the tulips. 

There were lines for the food trucks as well so it was a good thing we stopped for lunch elsewhere. 

Like I said, I had high expectations and fell really short. I was expecting 1000s of tulips  and maybe at one point there were but it sure did not look like it. It was very sparse looking and not at all fun to take pictures. I get there wanted room to walk between rows but I think there was too much room between rows. 

If you want to harvest your own tulips, take pictures in a tulip field, or tip toe through the tulips and can't afford to go to Holland, MI or the Netherlands, Happy Day Farmhaus would give you want are you are looking for but just on a much smaller scale. One day I hope to go to Holland, MI to see the tulips or even the Netherlands. I can only hope it's sooner than later.

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