Thursday, April 27, 2023

6887. Make Brazilian Cheese Bread

 This month at Little Chute Library's Cooks and Culture Club we were going to Brazilian Culture and Food. The librarian's friend was from Brazil and knew a restaurant owner, Mara, also from Brazil. She came to talk to us or rather teach us how to make Brazilian Cheese Bread.

Danielle made it once for our lasagna dinner but other than that I never had it. Brazilian cheese bread is a gluten free bread that is a staple in many Brazilian households because it's easy to make and freeze the dough. Then when company comes, take out the dough and bake. It is an expensive, savory treat that is enjoyed by all.

To make Brazilian Cheese Bread you will need

  • 500 grams tapioca starch
  • 2 tsp salt
  • 1/2 cup oil
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • 4 eggs
  • 125 grams Parmesan cheese
  • 125 grams Mozzarella cheese
Since we were making individual batches, we used less and Mara had everything pre-masured for us.

We started by adding our egg to our tapioca starch and salt mixture and mixed until crumbly.

Then Mara came around added oil and water so we could form a ball.

We then separated the ball into small balls which we could bake there or bring home. I brought most of mine home to serve at our tea party since they were Janis friendly.

They were definitely better than I remembered. If you bake them in the air fryer like I did for the tea party, they come out nice and crispy with a perfectly cheesy inside. Even the hubby liked them.

I definitely would consider making them again if I found the tapioca starch and got a scale. They truly are a quick and easy snack to keep on hand. 

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