Saturday, May 13, 2023

6937. Play a player piano

 Our last stop in Sheboygan was the Sheboygan County Historical Museum. It was a free day and Andrea knows the volunteers. 

Since Stacy and I were there just over a year ago not much has changed so I didn't feel a need to explore the whole museum. While in the basement of the main building, Andrea decided I should play the piano. This is not always an option but since a volunteer was there, I could play the piano.

This is no ordinary piano. It is an old fashion player piano. The very nice volunteer helped me move my feet to get the piano to play.

However, I am not coordinate enough to get the pedals to move at the right speed to make much music. This is definitely for more coordinated people. 

It was fun trying but I certainly do not have the talent to try and play a player piano.

If you are ever at the Sheboygan County Historical Museum and they let you try the piano, go for it. You will probably do better than me.

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