Saturday, May 6, 2023

Checking out the Northwoods Wildlife Museum

 Since the tulips were not that exciting, Stacy and I wanted to do something else before we both headed home. It was not very nice out so that ruled out most outdoor activities especially since I was not dressed for the weather. We decided to kill time at Cabela's in Richfield. Who doesn't love Cabela's??

As we were wandering through Cabela's we discovered the Northwoods Wildlife Museum. This was a museum dedicated to the wildlife in the Northwoods, not necessary from Wisconsin. It was free to check out so we decided to wander through it.

The first thing that greets you is this realistic looking black bear. Do not do this in the wild. Bear generally not happy to hug you and pose for pictures. 

There were a lot of different kinds of deer and other members of the deer family. I am not a wildlife expert so they all look alike. I can't tell you if that is a moose or an elk. 

This old guy at the camp even talked.

It is small "museum". It probably takes 5-10 minutes to walk through but the stuffed animals are a sight to be seen. It's worth checking out just for the bear.

If stuffed animals are not your thing, then you can check out the fish instead. There are several fish tanks with freshwater fish them from around the Great Lakes. Again they are fish but I couldn't tell you much more than that. That's why there are signs.

The fish aren't really part of the museum but still definitely worth checking out when in Cabela's. Each Cabela's has some sort of museum or animal exhibit. Maybe I will make it a bucket list goal to check out all the Cabela's museums... or maybe not. That's a lot of stuffed animals to view. 

I do suggest checking out a Cabela's if you are near one and need an indoor activity to waste time or just need a stretch break. 

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