Saturday, May 13, 2023

Sampling the goods at Miesfeld's Triangle Market

 While planning our Sheboygan adventure, I saw that there was a book signing at Miesfeld's Triangle Market in Sheboygan for the new Wisconsin Bucket List book. I told Andrea we should go. I would love to have a copy of the book.

Miesfeld's Triangle Market is located off of Hwy 42 in Sheboygan. It is open Monday-Friday 8-5:30 and 5 8-3 on Saturdays. It is a local meat market that carries a few other staples and alcohol.

We did not buy any meat so I can't tell you how their brats are. Andrea is not a fan but I'm still willing to try them.

The Wisconsin Bucket List book did not look all that exciting. It was rather thin so we skipped the book signing.

If we skipped the meats and the book signing? What did we do? We sampled various products. They have product sampling almost every week. It's like Costco but better. These are local products.

We started off with some cheese by The Little Brown Cow Cheese -- a small local dairy. The cheese was very good. Andrea picked some up. I had enough cheese from our cheese dealer that I had to pass on getting more. I would totally buy some in the future though.

We then samples some beef. It was amazing. The seasoning was delicious. The hubby wouldn't care for it so I didn't buy any but Andrea did.

The last thing we sampled was Old Fashions in a can. Day drinking is what we do best. The Brandy Sweet tasted just like brandy old fashion sweet even for these SoCo Old Fashion Drinking Gals.

I did buy some hard rolls. I couldn't really not buy Sheboygan hard rolls at a market in Sheboygan. The hubby was very happy when I brough those home.

If you are in the Sheboygan area, definitely check out Miesfield's especially on a Saturday when you can potentially find food and drink samples. I will definitely be back to try some of the meat products and sample more goodies.

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