Saturday, May 13, 2023

5261. Go to 3 Sheeps Brewing in Sheboygan

 When Andrea and I were planning our Croffle date, we saw that 3 Sheeps Brewing Company was having their 11th anniversary party the same day. I said we should check it out since I've not been to a brewery in Sheboygan County.

After a bit of shopping and sampling, Andrea asked if we should do Croffles or Beer first since we were literally going to drive right by the brewery. I said croffles as I probably should eat before I drink. 

With our bellies full of croffles, we headed back to 3 Sheeps Brewing. It is located in a neighborhood with limited parking. We ended up parking on a side street and walked a few blocks back to the brewery. 

We both grabbed a beer before sitting outside. It was not a gorgeous day but nice enough to sit out and enjoy a beer. Enjoy might have been a bit strong. Because of my like to sours, I had Flower Sour which was a Sour Ale with Chamomile. Andrea opted to go with a Pineapple Mango Slushie Beer. Neither of us were fans of our choices. Mine was more bitter than  I was used to and Andrea's was just weird.

Even though we have known each other for over 20 years, we realized this was our first time we've had a beer together. We've done a beer run together but never went for a beer to catch up.

Since my beer was not very good, I decided to try to chug it. Yeah, that didn't work very well. I decided I can not chug a beer.. No I don't really care to try again. I just wanted to cross "chug a beer" off the bucket list.

3 Sheeps Brewing Company is perfect spot to hang out. They do have a good selection of beer and plenty of inside and outside seating. Andrea said it was a good spot to social distance during the pandemic. I would go again just to hang out, talk, and I would try the seltzer next time. That seems like a safe choice.

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