Saturday, September 22, 2018

Volcanic.. Er I mean Tree Art Fun

When Danielle asked if I wanted to go to the Trout Museum to see The Giving Tree exhibit, I was all game. I really like Shel Silverstein's books and I thought it was would be cool to see. Well it turns out Danielle read the FAN Pass wrong and we weren't looking at Shel Silverstein art but creating our own art based on his book The Giving Tree.

The Giving Tree was the theme for the Family Studio Workshop. We to create our own hand print trees to tie in with the the tree in the The Giving Tree. I was not expecting to paint or actually get messy with this activity. After I got over my initial shock of actually doing art, I was all about getting messy and dirty.

So I got busy. I painted my hand with paint. Or I had Danielle paint my hand because well the other one was covered in paint.

I made some hand print leaves overlapping in the middle of the paper. Then I painted on a trunk... My very fat tree turned into a volcano. Hey at least I was creative.

Instead of being discouraged, I grabbed another piece of paper and some more paint. This time I stuck with a skinny trunk and it looked more like a tree than a volcano.

Then I decided I wanted to do one last tree of just thumbprint leaves. So I had Gavin and Danielle help make my tree. The hubby said it looks like a Skittles tree. Can't knock a girl for trying.

To make your own volcano trees you will need

1. Paper
2. Washable Paint (Crayola works best)
3. Brown marker

Draw a fat tree trunk on the paper with the brown marker. Squeeze some paint on to a paper plate and dip your hand into the paint. Press to paper. Repeat with different colors until your volcano/tree is full of leaves.

It is a similar fun art project that just about anyone can do. Who knows maybe one day my volcano tree will be worth millions of dollars.

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