Saturday, September 8, 2018

428. Go River Stomping

As a camper at Camp Evelyn, we had free time on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons. During this time you could swim, boat, do arts and crafts, or go river stomping. I always wanted to go river stomping but never actually did it. Even with a creek near our us growing up, I don't recall ever rivers stomping in it. So it went on the bucket list when I made in back in 2001.

What is river stomping? It is walking through a river or a creek looking for wildlife and just having fun. Since I'm nearing the big 4-0 and have limited opportunities to actually go river stomping, I asked Stacy if we could take care of this during girls' weekend.

She found me a creek to go stomp in that was near her house. It wasn't quite as easy as we thought it was to be. There was a slightly steep muddy bank I'd have to crawl down to get into the creek. After exploring several options and probably getting weird looks from people, we settled on the easiest one for me to jump down. I guess I'm not as daring as I once was. Before I would jump the three feet and not even think about it. Now I was thinking about the easiest way to get down without getting dirty or injured.

The biggest part of river stomping is catching things. Well... we forgot a net. I did see a frog or toad jump into the water before I went in. I did try to find some frogs or bugs or whatever else was in the water. No such luck.

Next time I will bring a net, someone to explore with me, and make sure it's not 50 degrees out. The water was chilly. I would do it again in a heart beat and I'm sure if I asked Danielle, Gavin would river stomp with me too.

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