Sunday, September 9, 2018

4983. See the WWII boulder and sand at Veteran’s Park in Kenosha

After all of our adventures in Kenosha yesterday, we needed something to do today. We really didn't plan this out to well. So based on what was left on my bucket list for Kenosha, we didn't have many options. Google really wasn't helping either. Since I wanted to eat at Frank's Diner, we decided to cross off the only thing left in Kenosha that would could do -- see the WWII Boulder.

To honor the Kenoshans that died in World War II, a memorial was created. To honor those that died in Okinawa a boulder from Okinawa was placed in a fountain. To honor those that died in the invasion of Normandy, sand from the D-Day beaches was placed around the boulder.

You can see the bullet holes in the boulder. However, I was unable to see any sand.

This is truly a hidden gem near downtown Kenosha. Anyone interesting in WWII or even history in general should take a minute or ten to visit the Memorial when in Kenosha. I am glad Stacy and I made the decision to head back to Kenosha for breakfast which didn't work out but that's a story for another day because the memorial definitely made up for the failed breakfast plan.

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