Sunday, September 2, 2018

See the Blue Angels

The Blue Angels were something I wanted to see ever since I heard about them. When I found out they stopped flying, I was sad that I would never see them. Then out of the blue, they started flying again.

I figured one day I would be lucky enough to see the Blue Angels in the person somewhere. I never thought that somewhere was going to be a baseball game in Cleveland.
The hubby and I decided to go see the Indians play and while we were waiting for the game to start, the Blue Angels flew by. I figured it was part of the National Anthem or something. Oh no. The Cleveland Air Show was going on this weekend and they were part of the air show.

We got to see climbs and dives and barrel rolls and inverted flying. Sure we only got see what the stadium didn’t block out but it was amazing.

Do I want to see them again? Sure and preferably at an air show itself and not as a backside of the air show. We probably did have a good view because we were so high up at Progressive Field. I’m not complaining because the Blue Angels were way more interesting than the baseball game.

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