Saturday, September 22, 2018

4829. Go to the AirVenture Museum at EAA in Oshkosh

When tickets for the Free Museum Day were available, I was excited to see the EAA Museum was on the list again. I wanted to go last year but ran out of time. The hubby rarely has time to check out local museums so I was looking forward to heading down to the EAA with Danielle and Gavin.

The EAA AirVenture Museum has airplanes of all types.. some of them are just models of the originals. I found that disappointing. I really wanted to see the real thing. However, you would never know that they were models.

The museum is split into 2 levels. The Upper Level is a bit more hands on. There is a display on space and thrust. You could actually touch a meteorite.

Also upstairs is the kids area. We were advised to check this out last and we heeded the advice. More about that later.

Downstairs housed a whole lot of planes. It is broken down into three galleries -- Pioneers of Flight, Innovations, and Eagle Hanger.

The Eagle Hanger was my favorite. It housed all the WWII planes which are probably some of my favorite planes ever.

The planes were cool but there was also an exhibit of nose art. I LOVE nose art. It was such a morale booster to the pilots and some of it is gorgeous. There was one entire room full of "adult" nose art. I really love how detailed some of the art was.

The Pioneers of Flight showed all different kinds of planes. There was a replica of the Wright Bros first plane. I wish we took a little more time to look at all the wonderful replicas and original planes in this area.

The kids area was designed for kids to climb and explore planes in one room. The second room was all simulator.. planes, hang glides, hot air balloons. I didn't have a chance to explore any of the simulators but they really looked like fun. I wished I tried hang gliding.

After dragging Gavin away from flying planes, we headed over to the observation tower where we saw planes take off. You can take a flight in a bi plane if you want while there. It was neat just watching them take off but I'd really like to get up in one some day.

I don't know what has taken me so long to get to the EAA Museum. It is a wonderful museum for kids and adults alike. It is worth checking out if you are ever in Oshkosh.

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