Sunday, September 9, 2018

428. Go to a Dog Show

While Stacy and I were searching for things to do in the Kenosha area, I stumbled upon an article about a AKC Dog Show in the Kenosha area. It was going to be the last one at the Kenosha County Fairgrounds since they were moving to Illinois next year. I jokingly said we should go since it's on the bucket list. Because we honestly didn't have anything better to do, we ended up at the Kenosha Kennel Club Dog Show.

The Kenosha County Fairgrounds are literally in the back of Wilmot Union High School. It is crazy. After initially going to a flea market, we found our way to the dog show. We had to pay $5 for parking. I figured what the heck, I probably am not going to another dog show. They tried to sell us a book about the dogs for $15 but I really didn't care about the dogs. I just wanted to see the show.

Well... the Kenosha Kennel Club Dog Show is not the Westminster Dog Show at all. It was not at all what I was expecting either. Honestly I was disappointed. There was no place to sit and watch the dog show.

I think I was expecting a parade of dogs. There might have been that at one point in time but not while we were there.

In one of the ag buildings, there was obedience trials. Trying to be obtrusive yet trying to actually watch the trials was difficult, especially with a giant stroller. The owner would lead their dog around the ring with a serious of commands. There was also some sort of agility trials as well. I don't have a dog so I may be wrong on what exactly was going on. However, it was very interesting to see.

Outside, I think was my parade of dogs. We weren't quite sure what was going on. There were several dogs of what looked to be the same breed and color with the owners leading them past a judge.

Honestly unless you are showing a dog or doing a trial with your dog, I am not sure why anyone else would show up. It definitely was not very spectator friendly. Maybe it was just this particular show. However if you are showing your dog or are in a trial I am sure it is very nerve wrecking for you and the dog and they probably don't want to cause extra excitement.

Next time I will stay away unless I am invited and watch from TV instead.

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