Saturday, September 5, 2015


After leaving the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, we walked down the block to the USS Cod, a World War II submarine. I discovered the sub when I was playing around on Google maps one day looking for parking at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

It cost us $10 a person for a self-guided tour of the sub. It was pretty cool but I think it was a little pricey. $8 or $9 would have been worth it, especially for the hubby who never actually went inside the sub. To preserve the integrity of the submarine, they did not make any changes to the sub. To enter or exit the sub, you use the same ladders that the submariners used during the war. You have to climb over hatches between rooms of the sub. The hubby couldn’t handle the ladders. I had difficulties with going down especially since there is a gap between the first and second ladder and you have to maneuver just in order to reach the second ladder on the way down. Going up is easier.

 While I was exploring the innards of the sub, the hubby wandered about topside. Below deck, I crawled into a bunk, saw the itty bitty dining room, saw the engine and torpedo rooms, and just tried to imagine life in this metal capsule.  There were buttons to push to hear more about the sub. It would have been nice to have a guided tour and someone explaining everything.

Once I emerged into the fresh air, I met back up with the hubby and we disembarked off the sub. Nearby the sub was a periscope that the hubby had to check out. It was quite a periscope.

It was a nice little diversion to our afternoon in Cleveland. It’s not every day you can get on a WWII submarine. It turned out the submarine wasn’t the only boat we ended up touring that afternoon.  We also went on an old Ore Freighter. I love having the flexibility to see new and different things that I won’t normally have a chance to see and aren’t even on the bucket list.

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