Thursday, September 10, 2015

A Danish Treat

Growing up when we had a party that involved Dad’s side of the family, there usually was a Napoleon Kringle served.  The only place I know you can get a Napoleon Kringle, in Eastern Wisconsin, is Racine. We have tried to describe this wonderful confection to the hubby – two kringles separated by a layer of Bavarian Cream. But the two layers are much thicker than any fruit filled kringle. He has always asks when is he going to get to try it.

I mentioned to him we could pick one up on our way back from vacation. He was all for the idea. I couldn’t remember the name of the bakery mom would order from. I just knew it was in Racine and started with an L... I thought it was Laymans. After a Google search, I couldn’t find it. I told mom to call and find out the pricing of one. It turns out it was Lehmann’s not Layman.

When mom called and asked they still had Napoleon Kringle, the girl was not sure. She put mom on hold and went to check. She came back and said they didn’t have Napoleon Kringle but had a Napoleon Cake. Mom asked her to describe it and it was the same thing. For $12.99 we could get a small (12”) Napoleon Cake. The hubby didn’t even hesitate. Mom ordered one for us and one for her.

Since it needs to be refrigerated, I brought home my mini cooler to transport it back home after we got my car. Mom and Dad laughed me and said it wasn’t going to fit. I said was only 12”… in diameter. It never fit.

When the hubby saw the kringle, he couldn't wait to try it. We had to cut into when we stopped home to get my car. He said he has had nothing like it and wants to try to find someone up here to make it. The Kringle last 5 days. Now back to waiting to get another may be a few years. 

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