Monday, September 28, 2015

#188. See an Eclipse -- Take 2

The first lunar eclipse I remember watching was when I still lived at home back in 2014. I remember looking out the living room window at the moon. Fast-forward 11 years and I had another opportunity to see a lunar eclipse with the blood moon.  Because it was a lunar eclipse and blood moon, there was much hype about it. And like everyone else, I wasn’t going to miss it…especially if the end of the world was coming like some predicted.

Around 7-7:30 I went outside to check the progress after seeing a post on Facebook telling me to go look at the moon. To me, it looked like an ordinary full moon. I went back inside. About a half hour later, I went back to check and the eclipse had started. So I grabbed the camera, my book, a lawn chair, and my blanket and set up camp in the garage.


The stages of the eclipse

It was very cool to watch the eclipse happen and the moon turn red. I personally thought the moon was going to be bigger or closer to the horizon. The moon didn’t seem any bigger than normal. When the hubby came home, he joined me in watching the moon turn red. Even he was impressed.

The Blood Moon

I am no astronomer or astronaut but any time I can enjoy Mother Nature’s planetary show from my backyard, I try to catch it. The viewing window or the sky conditions don’t always work out in my favor but tonight they did. Now I just need to catch a glimpse of that annual meteorite shower in August, I’d be in business

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