Saturday, September 26, 2015

#3824. Explore the trails at Plamann Park in Appleton

Since I started walking, I wanted to explore the trails at Plamann Park. This wasn’t going to be too hard to do since Appleton Pop Warner plays most of their games out there and the hubby will do a few games every fall. A few Saturdays ago, I got my opportunity to go wander through the trails.

Plamann Park is actually quite large and I only got to explore a portion of the park. I started out walking around the football fields to find a trail to pick up. It took a little ways but I found one and traversed the trail. Once I got back to the football fields, I kept going and figured once I hit my 10,000 I would turn around head back. Well I kept going and ended up at Fox Valley Lutheran High School. I forgot that they butt up against each other. I picked a trail and followed it to the road. I crossed the road and tried to head the way we came in (towards the farm) but there was a wedding party that was taking picture. I didn’t want to crash the party. I turned around and got back to the football fields much quicker.

Although I only wandered a portion of the park, I was disappointed with what I saw. There were dragonflies, butterflies, and lots of wild flowers. Once I got up towards FVL, I saw 1 bunny. It was kind of boring. It was peaceful and I wish I had a butterfly net to catch butterflies. However, I wanted to see more animals. I guess I’m more of woods kind of girl than a prairie kind of girl.

Don’t get me wrong, Plamann Park is still a wonderful place for a hike and I will hike it again. I want to explore the rest of the park. There’s always next football game.

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