Thursday, December 31, 2020

2020 in Review

Despite the pandemic, I managed to knock a few things off the bucket list and have a few adventures. Okay so most of my adventures happened prior to the pandemic but it was still an interesting year.

Official Bucket list Adventures -- not bad since we didn't leave the state since coming back from Spring Training.

1. Go to the Russian Ballet #63
2. Take an old fashioned sleigh ride #260
3. See the Hoover Dam #78
4. Go to Las Vegas #125
5. Take a ballet class #837
6. Win a radio contest #883
7. Make jam #458
8. Kiss under the mistletoe #795

Unofficial Bucket list Adventures – 35

States -- 10

Again not bad since all those were visited prior to any lock downs.. just barely

Counties -- 131

Baseball States -- 2

AZ (4) 

Baseball was halted as of March 12 and once baseball started again, fans weren't allowed in and minor league baseball didn't exist. So we are very thankful for getting to spring training this year. Luckily Babe Ruth leagues around the state played so I did get some baseball in this summer.

Spring Training Stadiums – 3
Maryvale (2)
Tempe Diablo*

National Parks -- 2
Fort Union*

National Recreation Area -- 1
Lake Mead*

National Grasslands -- 1

National Trails -- 2
Santa Fe

National Forests - 6
White River*

Elevation -- 11,158 -- the highest the hubby has ever been. 

Pizza states -- 4

Brewery States -- 2

Winery States -- 2
WI (4) -- All 4 wineries were new wineries to me. 

Mini Golf States -- 1
AZ -- Since we only got one game in, the hubby is reigning mini golf champ (again) this year.

WI Counties with sports – 10. Once the pandemic hit, I really didn’t get a chance to see games unless it was outside. So no football or basketball games for me this

*New in 2020

Hopefully 2021 brings some more adventures.

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

20 in 2020 -- Go to Doughlicious

 Ever since Kris mentioned going to to Doughlicious when we met for lunch in 2018, I wanted to check it out. Doughlicious is a cookie dough shop that serves edible cookie dough. Instead of joining her and her husband for the opening weekend festivities, I opted to see LeRoy Butler instead. I figured since it was only a mile from my house, I would get there sooner rather than later.

Fast-forward two years, I still haven't been there. They moved from new my house to downtown Appleton. Again not that far away and should have given me ample opportunities to visit but I never did. 

With the pandemic going, they are struggling. I was determined to get there before the end of the year so I could help them out, get a hot chocolate bomb, and meet one of my 20 in 2020 goals.

I advised the hubby that we needed to go there. So on the way to the mall area, we stopped to pick up dessert. The hubby stayed in the car while I ran in and got us some cookie dough. 

It was very quiet for a Monday night. After glancing at the menu, I opted to get the hubby a kid size scoop of birthday cake ($2). I was going to get myself a regular scoop ($3) but opted for the smaller scoop since it looked like plenty for me. I went with Brownie Blitz. 

I also picked up a hot chocolate bomb. I kept seeing them advertising them on their Facebook page and given the hoopla around hot chocolate bombs, I really wanted to try one. They had about 6 different flavors. As tempting as the unicorn one was, I am a sucker for mint hot chocolate and went with Mint Chocolate. Their hot chocolate bombs were the cheapest in the area ($4.50) for a tennis ball size hot chocolate bomb. 

They have a cookie dough boat of I believe 3 flavors for $5. It is a different treat than ice cream, which they also sell. They also have these ginormous hot chocolate drinks and milkshakes. I may have to make a trip just for one of their hot chocolates. Those a definite sip and chat kind of drinks... maybe once the pandemic is finally over.

After we finished our shopping and came home, we indulged in our cookie dough. The hubby had to keep remembering that it wasn't ice cream so the sweetness is different. I was a bit worried that he might not like it, especially since it was pink, but he really enjoyed. I also liked mine. 

I will definitely go back and try more flavors. Hopefully the next the hubby will go in and pick out his own flavor so he can see all they have. Check them out, support a local business, and get some yummy treats.

Saturday, December 26, 2020

4914. Check out the historical marker in Hayton

 After we checked out JFK Prep, we kept heading home. Since it was a nice December day, the hubby decided it was a good day to check out the historical marker in Hayton, this tiny little berg just east of Chilton. We have passed the sign for the historical marker for years always saying we wanted to check it out. 

The historical marker was for St. Martin's Church. St. Martin's Church was built in 1853, initially as a log church. Due to a priest shortage, the church closed in 2005. 

A group of residents formed the St. Martin Heritage Park to purchase the property to save the church and the 140 year heritage. The church can be rented for weddings, plenty of grassy area for picnics, and a building that can be used for various functions.

There is a labyrinth garden. It was too cold to walk the labyrinth. Hmm... maybe something to add to the bucket list. 

The historical marker was not what we thought it would be for. It was very interesting to learn about the area though. I love learning about local history and checking out historical markers. You never know what you would learn.

HBL #1: See the ruins of JFK Prep in St. Nazianz

 The hubby has a mental bucket list (HBL) and will randomly tell my things he wants to check out... sometimes when we are headed some place. One of these places was JFK Prep in St. Nazianz. We were on the way back home and he decided to make the turn down the road that would lead us to St. Nazianz saying he wanted to check out JFK Prep but didn't know how to get there. Google maps to the rescue. It was actually easy to find.

JFK Prep was once Salvatorian Seminary in St. Nazianz before the 1960s. Once the seminary closed, it became known as JFK Prep from 1968-1982. In the 1970s, the basketball team was coached by Marty Crowe. His son, Mickey Crowe, played for the team and set a state record of 2,724 points scored in his career. This is the reason why the hubby wanted to see JFK prep. He wanted to see where Mickey Crowe played. 

There is not much left of the old seminary or prep school. Most of the grounds lay in ruins. The main building is currently home to the St. Nazianz Christian Center. They have a re-sale shop in the basement of the building. I am surprised we didn't check it out just to say we were in the building.

The old church still stands as well as a small grotto.

We actually have a few personal connections to the school. One of the guys the hubby officiates with went there as well as his dad. He was texting the hubby stories and recollections of his time there. He said he tries to go back once a year to walk the grounds.

A distant cousin of mine went there (my mom's cousin's son). He got into the wrong crowd in Milwaukee and his parents sent him there. My grandma and her sister went to a dinner there as well when my cousin was in school. 

Many of the hubby's bucket list items usually find their way onto my bucket list but not all of them. This was an unique stop and I'm glad he took me out there to see it. I didn't even know the place existed. Apparently it's haunted. 

Stay tuned for more HBL adventures in the future whenever he decides to stop at some place he wants to see. 

Monday, December 21, 2020

Library of Lights

 While on our light this year, I told the hubby I wanted to drive by the Kaukauna Library to see the lights. Kaukauna Utilities sponsored Library of Lights which was a walk through light display at the library. We drove by but we really needed to get out and walk through it. I made the hubby take me back so I could walk through it.

Kaukauna Library decked out their story garden with Christmas lights, a book walk, and a small scavenger hunt. When we were there, The Polar Express was the book in the story walk which is always a Christmas favorite of mine. 

There are mini inflatables, lights galore, and even the canoe was light. However do not sit or stand in the canoe for pictures. They kind of get cranky about that -- not that we tried but they mentioned it on Facebook.

The garden is small which is perfect for a quick stroll under the lights. When we went it was a misty night so no one else was out. Even the hubby joined me on the walk. It is the perfect pandemic holiday activity. I hope they continue with the library of lights in future years. 

Sunday, December 20, 2020

Quarantine Adventures: Virtual Sunset at Stonehenge

 Go to Stonehenge might be on the bucket list (#17) but due to budget and pandemic constraints that is not happening any time soon. However, watch the sunset or sunrise at Stonehenge at the solstice is not on the bucket list. I have no idea it was supposed to be really neat and line up perfectly. Good thing Facebook enlightened me of this and allowed me to watch in real time.

The English Heritage Facebook page was livestreaming the sunset on December 20th and the Sunrise on December 21st. With the time difference, the sunset was around 10 am Wisconsin time on Sunday but the sunrise was at like 2 am Monday morning. There was no way I was going to watch a virtual sunrise in the middle of the night. 

The virtual sunset, like any sunset, was a lot of nothing but watching the sun dip lower in the sky. I am not sure what the fuss about sunsets and sunrises (even moonrises and moonsets) is but they do generate some pretty pictures. I don't usually have the patience to sit around and watch the sun sink lower in the sky.. and I didn't today either. Luckily being virtual I could multitask.

The way the sun lined up with the stones at Stonehenge was impressive. I kind of see what the fuss is about Stonehenge and the Solstice. 

I'm glad it worked that I saw the sunset but if it didn't, I probably won't have been upset. It was cool to see but I think in person it would have been even better albeit a whole lot colder.  

Saturday, December 19, 2020

7294. Listen to a Podcast

 I am usually about 3 years behind on technology. Podcasts have been around for years and I have had no real desire to get into them. I tried to listen to one last year about I wasn't really into it. When Friends and Fiction said they have a podcast with original content, I knew I had to figure out this whole podcast thing.

I downloaded the Google Podcast App and listened to my first podcast. It was a conversation with two book store owners and two of the Friends and Fiction authors. It was very entertaining. I could have listened to the first bookstore owner for a while. The chemistry was great.


I have not listened to another podcast yet. Friends and Fiction have all their weekly Facebook episodes on the Podcast but those you want to watch with the video. They keep saying their will make more podcasts in the future. 

I did subscribe to the Book Club Girls podcast but I have not listened to any yet. 

My biggest "issue" with podcasts they are too long. I don't want to listen to something that is not a book for more than 10 minutes at time. Most podcasts are like 20-30 minutes. Hopefully I will be able to get into this whole podcast thing. 

Saturday, December 12, 2020

5010. See the lights on Candy Cane Lane in West Allis

 After we went to the lights in Miller Valley, we headed over to Candy Cane Lane in West Allis. I have been to Candy Cane Lane since my freshman year of college when I went with Mary and Scott. We are talking over 20 years. 

Candy Cane Lane is roughly a 4 block area in West Allis where every house is decked out in Christmas lights. It is between 92nd and 96th Streets and Montana and Oklahoma Avenues. The route is marked by trees covered with white and red plastic to look like candy canes. 

Traffic on the weekend to turn in on one of the main streets can be backed up quite a ways. Locals know the back ways into Candy Cane Lane which is what we did. You can also park and walk the entire route which probably allows you to get better pictures since you aren't dealing with cars coming in the other direction.

Back in 1998, most houses had either those plastic light up figures or wooden cut out characters with a spot light. The lights were mainly colored with bigger bulbs. 

This year there are many inflatable characters, white lights, Star Wars, and more elaborate displays. There is still colored lights and wooden cut outs. There is definitely something for everyone.

Stacy and I joked about there being a special company where you can customize the Christmas inflatables. We saw a taco truck decked out for Christmas and a VW Van decked out for Christmas.

Candy Cane Lane runs through December 27th so if you are looking something to do, go check it out. I would think during the week would be less busy than during the week. 

5012. See the Lights in the Miller Valley

 When the line was uber-long to get in the Botanical Gardens to see the lights, we headed to Miller Valley to see the lights. Since it was also on the bucket list, I was good with the change of plans. 

Things you should know.

1. The entire valley is not covered in lights. It is literally one hill side and a house.

2. It is best to park across the street from the lights to see them better.

3. It is a dancing light display with only 1 or 2 songs. You may not be able to find the radio station in your car. 

Like I said it is a dancing light display that was well done. Even the lights on the house dance.

However, I was expecting the entire Miller Valley to be lit up. I was disappointed in the lack of lights. Despite the lack of lights and high expectations, it was a very good show. I liked how they kept cars moving by limiting the number of songs.

Even though we couldn't tune into the exact station, any upbeat Christmas music fits well with the dancing lights.

If you live in the Milwaukee area, I would suggest checking out the lights. They are on through December 27th from 6-10 pm. 

Friday, December 11, 2020

4955. Sit in the swings at Beanie’s in Port Washington

 When I saw that Beanie's Mexican Restaurant in Port installed swings at the bar, I wanted to sit in them. Sitting in a a swing at restaurant is always an adventure. The only other time I did it was when I was in Costa Rica at work.

Because it made sense to stay over in Saukville the night before cookie baking weekend, Kris and I decided we needed some girl time. We decided to grab an after work drink. Initially she suggested margaritas at Tellos. I suggested since we were having margaritas, let's go to Beanies. 

When I got there, she already snagged a table and I asked if we could sit in the swings at the bar instead. She agreed and we hopped on the swings and had ourselves a margarita while catching up.

Beanie's has a wide range of margaritas. There were several that looked good. I opted for prickly pear and Kris went with Sunburnt Senorita, which also sounded good. They also have a margarita flight -- 4 margaritas (original, strawberry, blended, and prickly pear). One margarita is enough for me. Not sure I could do a flight.

Now before you chastise me for getting a drink at a bar during a pandemic, I just got over it and Kris (and her husband) was comfortable with meeting me for a drink. When we arrived, there was no one else in the bar area. We both were masked except while actively eating or drinking. When another couple came and  sat at the bar, they left a swing between us. Even the swings kept distance between Kris and I probably more so than sitting at a table.  The bartender did not hover behind the bar while we were seated. We probably were in there an hour and felt very safe. 

I would definitely go back and try another margarita. The swings are a definite must do. No I didn't fall off but after another one, sitting in a swing could probably prove difficult.