Saturday, December 26, 2020

4914. Check out the historical marker in Hayton

 After we checked out JFK Prep, we kept heading home. Since it was a nice December day, the hubby decided it was a good day to check out the historical marker in Hayton, this tiny little berg just east of Chilton. We have passed the sign for the historical marker for years always saying we wanted to check it out. 

The historical marker was for St. Martin's Church. St. Martin's Church was built in 1853, initially as a log church. Due to a priest shortage, the church closed in 2005. 

A group of residents formed the St. Martin Heritage Park to purchase the property to save the church and the 140 year heritage. The church can be rented for weddings, plenty of grassy area for picnics, and a building that can be used for various functions.

There is a labyrinth garden. It was too cold to walk the labyrinth. Hmm... maybe something to add to the bucket list. 

The historical marker was not what we thought it would be for. It was very interesting to learn about the area though. I love learning about local history and checking out historical markers. You never know what you would learn.

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