Saturday, December 19, 2020

7294. Listen to a Podcast

 I am usually about 3 years behind on technology. Podcasts have been around for years and I have had no real desire to get into them. I tried to listen to one last year about I wasn't really into it. When Friends and Fiction said they have a podcast with original content, I knew I had to figure out this whole podcast thing.

I downloaded the Google Podcast App and listened to my first podcast. It was a conversation with two book store owners and two of the Friends and Fiction authors. It was very entertaining. I could have listened to the first bookstore owner for a while. The chemistry was great.


I have not listened to another podcast yet. Friends and Fiction have all their weekly Facebook episodes on the Podcast but those you want to watch with the video. They keep saying their will make more podcasts in the future. 

I did subscribe to the Book Club Girls podcast but I have not listened to any yet. 

My biggest "issue" with podcasts they are too long. I don't want to listen to something that is not a book for more than 10 minutes at time. Most podcasts are like 20-30 minutes. Hopefully I will be able to get into this whole podcast thing. 

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