Wednesday, December 30, 2020

20 in 2020 -- Go to Doughlicious

 Ever since Kris mentioned going to to Doughlicious when we met for lunch in 2018, I wanted to check it out. Doughlicious is a cookie dough shop that serves edible cookie dough. Instead of joining her and her husband for the opening weekend festivities, I opted to see LeRoy Butler instead. I figured since it was only a mile from my house, I would get there sooner rather than later.

Fast-forward two years, I still haven't been there. They moved from new my house to downtown Appleton. Again not that far away and should have given me ample opportunities to visit but I never did. 

With the pandemic going, they are struggling. I was determined to get there before the end of the year so I could help them out, get a hot chocolate bomb, and meet one of my 20 in 2020 goals.

I advised the hubby that we needed to go there. So on the way to the mall area, we stopped to pick up dessert. The hubby stayed in the car while I ran in and got us some cookie dough. 

It was very quiet for a Monday night. After glancing at the menu, I opted to get the hubby a kid size scoop of birthday cake ($2). I was going to get myself a regular scoop ($3) but opted for the smaller scoop since it looked like plenty for me. I went with Brownie Blitz. 

I also picked up a hot chocolate bomb. I kept seeing them advertising them on their Facebook page and given the hoopla around hot chocolate bombs, I really wanted to try one. They had about 6 different flavors. As tempting as the unicorn one was, I am a sucker for mint hot chocolate and went with Mint Chocolate. Their hot chocolate bombs were the cheapest in the area ($4.50) for a tennis ball size hot chocolate bomb. 

They have a cookie dough boat of I believe 3 flavors for $5. It is a different treat than ice cream, which they also sell. They also have these ginormous hot chocolate drinks and milkshakes. I may have to make a trip just for one of their hot chocolates. Those a definite sip and chat kind of drinks... maybe once the pandemic is finally over.

After we finished our shopping and came home, we indulged in our cookie dough. The hubby had to keep remembering that it wasn't ice cream so the sweetness is different. I was a bit worried that he might not like it, especially since it was pink, but he really enjoyed. I also liked mine. 

I will definitely go back and try more flavors. Hopefully the next the hubby will go in and pick out his own flavor so he can see all they have. Check them out, support a local business, and get some yummy treats.

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